Wanderlust 2021
Wanderlust 2021

Wanderlust 2021

Regular price $ 20.00 Sale

Explore. Write. Inspire.

Wanderer. Traveler. Adventurer. Daydreamer.

Wanderlust Journal strives to bring life and connection to the personal experiences of travelers scattered across the globe. Here you find passionate travel stories and photographs deeply rooted in appreciation of the magnificently varied people and places to be discovered.

What makes us different from other travel journals? We are a community dedicated to the craft of quality storytelling. Each piece is curated and peer-reviewed by industry professionals, guaranteeing a high standard for both readers and contributors.

Wanderlust #3 contains the year's best travel essays selected from the finest works published through our online magazine (wanderlust-journal dot com). At its heart, WANDERLUST is home for the creative power of a pen and a passport.

With huge thanks to our contributors, Andra Watkins, Alison Auger, Gloria Nixon-John, Elie Axelroth, Suzanne Roberts, Helen Lippman, Aaron Horwath, Jess D. Taylor, Pam Newton, Camille Lowry, Paul Perilli, Kendall Poe, Erica Plouffe Lazure, Tiffiny Spire, Hannah Berman, Christie Munson Muller, Birgit Hedwig Wildt, Dustin Grinnell, Bob Kunzinger, Anne-Marie Oomen, Samantha Schoech, Clement Obropta, M.K. Martin, Nancy Barnes, Tamara Deland, Anna Oberg and Suzanne Roberts.