Telepoem Booth Santa Fe - Collected Calls
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$ 15.00
By Elizabeth Hellstern.
Telepoem Booth Santa Fe: Collected Calls is a compilation of poetry that complements the public art piece Telepoem Booth® Santa Fe, an interactive phone booth that users can dial a number for free on the payphone to hear recordings of poets. Thirty Santa Fe telepoems are available to read in this book (and dial at any Networked Telepoem Booth). For more information about the Telepoem Booth project visit
Devin James Baldwin, Melody Sumner Carnahan, Julie Chase-Daniel, Jon Davis, James Gould, Michelle Holland, Che Kuzov-Tsong, Joan Logghe, Mary McGinnis, Carol Moldaw, Mary Morris, dg okpik, Eugenia Parry, Karen Petersen, Edie Tsong, Stella Reed, Barbara Rockman, Katherine DiBella Seluja, James Thomas Stevens, Arthur Sze, Anne Valley-Fox, RJ Ward, Darryl Lorenzo Wellington, and Moriah Williams.
Cover design by Jeremiah Christo.
This publication is made possible in part with support from the New Mexico Humanities Council.