An Object of Conviction - book
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The legends surrounding Marie-Josephte Corriveau continue to haunt and captivate the imagination of the people of Quebec to this very day. What cold have happened in 1763 on the pastoral shores of the Saint Lawrence River, in the beautiful little village of Saint Vallier, Quebec, to stir such lasting emotion and curiosity for the last two and a half centuries. Known infamously as "La Corriveau" throughout Quebec, we find that much has been written of her in legend; we also know much about the true events surrounding the murder of Marei-Josephte's husband, Louis Dodier; but, we know little of the woman herself. Our story here is much bigger than that of a murder. It tells of the plight of a conquered people, social injustice under a military regime, family tragedy spanning three generations and the deep conviction with regard to family and country of one person - Marie-Josephte Corriveau.